29th Annual RIMS Conference

From 27/06/2024 until 29/06/2024
Posted by SEAUTON
Categories: Upcoming Events
Hits: 1605
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It is with great pleasure that we extend to you an invitation to the 29th Annual RIMS Conference, scheduled to take place in HasseltBelgium, from Thursday, June 27th to SaturdayJune 29th2024.

 The conference - hosted by the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences of Hasselt University  in collaboration with Noorderhart Rehabilitation & MS, and the UMSC University MS center - will bring together renowned international experts who will generously share their insights and expertise on the theme of the upcoming edition, 'Empowerment & Inclusivity.'

Further details on the Scientific ProgrammeSpecial Interest Group (SIG) MeetingsVenue, and much more conference-related informationwill be communicated soon!

Stay tuned, mark your agenda and prepare to secure your participation in this enriching event, reinforcing your connection with the vibrant RIMS community.

Looking forward to welcoming you all in June 2024!


Discover more on the event website and register now!



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