
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

The Executive Board has established a number of Special Interest Groups (SIG).

These groups promote research, stimulate evidence-based rehabilitation to support people with MS and their caregivers in living with MS. The appointment of the chairman and co-chairman of the SIGs shall be made by the Executive Board with guidance from the members of the individual SIGs.
These groups meet at least once a year during the annual conference. It is also encouraged to hold an annual in-between workshop. Active groups are supported financially by RIMS.


  • SIG Mobility
      Chair: Carme Santoyo (ES) | Email
      Co-chair:  Lousin Moumdjian (BE) | Email
  • SIG Bladder, Bowel and Sexuality
      Co-Chair: Corinne Oosterlinck (BE) | Email
  • SIG Psychology and Neuropsychology
      Chair: Jessica Podda (IT) | Email 
  • SIG Communication and Swallowing
      Chair: Leena Maria Heikkola | Email 
      Co-chair: Hans Bogaardt | Email 
  • SIG Occupation
      Chair: Inger Grethe Loyning (NO | Email
      Co-chair: Sofie Ferdinand (BE) | Email
  • SIG Patient Autonomy
      Chair: Anne Christin Rahn (DE) | Email
      Co-chair: Andrea Giordano (IT) | Email

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  • Logo CONy
  • Logo MS Journal
  • Logo cMSc
  • Logo International Journal of MS Care
  • Logo MS International Federation
  • Logo World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
  • Logo European MS Platform
  • Logo MS Data Alliance
  • Logo European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS

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