Charter (Barcelona November 26th, 2005; adapted Hamburg June 1th , 2012)


Rehabilitation is a highly individualised education and adaptation process to gain maximum activity and participation.


We aim to enhance activity, participation and autonomy of people with MS by developing and advocating evidence-based rehabilitation.


All people with MS throughout Europe have access to evidence-based rehabilitation when they need it.


  • Raise the profile of rehabilitation in MS and attract the best researchers and practitioners.
  • Improve the understanding of rehabilitation and it’s relevance at every stage of MS.
  • Manage the generation of new evidence on rehabilitation in MS by facilitating interaction between researchers and practitioners.
  • Stimulate the implementation of new and existing evidence-based rehabilitation.
  • Educate and train practitioners to integrate evidence into clinical practice.


RIMS is managed by an Executive Board, which in accordance with the bylaws, shall be composed of eight elected officers, including President, Secretary and Treasurer.

RIMS is affiliated to the European Platform of MS Societies, ECTRIMS and the Consortium of North American MS Centres.

  • The Executive Board shall have the power to establish Special Interest Groups (SIG) to stimulate and promote interest in patient management and research in MS.
  • An Advisory Board shall be created to support and assist the Executive Board. The Executive Board may invite members of the Advisory Board to meet before the general assembly or more often if necessary.
  • The Advisory Board shall be composed of five to six members. Founding members of RIMS shall form the initial Advisory Board. Every three years the most senior member of the Advisory Board shall step down and the outgoing president shall become a member of the Advisory Board.


  • According to the bylaws elections of the officers of RIMS shall take place every three years.
  • Candidates shall be nominated and seconded by members of RIMS. Nominations shall be submitted to the secretariat at least to 2 weeks prior to the general assembly.
  • Nomination for President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be made by the Executive Board.
  • At the general assembly each centre will have six votes at their disposal. One delegate shall be responsable for each centre and determine the six effective members or their proxies. Individual members will have one vote or one proxy.
  • The composition of the Executive Board shall reflect the interdisciplinary team approach to rehabilitation.
  • There shall be a maximum of two representatives of any European country on the Executive Board.

Special Interest Groups

The Executive Board has established a number of Special Interest Groups (SIG). These groups shall promote research and improve the management of Persons with MS and their caregivers. Different groups have been created :

  • SIG on Mobility
  • SIG on Bladder, Bowel and Sexual disoders
  • SIG on Communication and Swallowing
  • SIG on Psychology and Neuropsychology
  • SIG on Occupation
  • SIG on Integration and Participation

If appropriate, additional Special Interest Groups may be created.The appointment of the chairman and co-chairman of the SIG's shall be made by the Executive Board with guidance from the members of the individual SIG's.
These groups meet at least once a year at the annual meeting.The groups are also encouraged to hold an annual in-between meeting. Active groups are supported financially by RIMS.

RIMS Awards

At the annual meeting, the RIMS awards for the best platform presentation and the best poster presentation shall be awarded. The rules and the amount of the awards shall be proposed by the Executive Board and approved by the general assembly.

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  • Logo World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
  • Logo European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS
  • Logo cMSc
  • Logo MS International Federation
  • Logo MS Journal
  • Logo European MS Platform
  • Logo International Journal of MS Care
  • Logo MS Data Alliance
  • Logo CONy

Rims Sponsors