SIG Psychology & Neuropsychology - History

SIG in Psychology and Neuropsychology started as a Clinical Care Committee of Psychology and Neuropsychology in 1997 during RIMS meeting in Bad Winzheim. The first chairman of the group was Rudi Vermote and co-chair Daan Langdon. Since 2001 the group was lead by Päivi Hämäläinen and Agnete Jonsson (chair and co-chair, respectively). Liina Vahter has been chair since 2010 helped out by co-chair Anita Rose since 2011. Liina was leading the group until 2015 and Anita was her Co-Chair. From 2015 the Chair ist Jana Pöttgen with again Anita as Co-Chair.

The idea of the group is to gain and maintain contemporary scientific knowledge about psychological and neuropsychological issues in MS and to share practical experience about everyday clinical work in different European countries within RIMS network. The main role of our SIG is to provide evidence-based information regarding psychological and neuropsychological impairment in MS and its rehabilitation opportunities for RIMS members and other persons who are interested in this field. Our international collaboration is the best platform for team work.

The meetings have both lectures and case presentations with open discussion. To integrate current scientific knowledge into daily work is one of the main issues. Own international scientific projects are increasingly coming into focus.

The action plan for the coming years is to finish the CompACT validation project, to publish the results in a scientific journal and to generate new projects we are interested in and we can work on in an international context.
New interested psychologist and neuropsychologists are welcome and everybody who is interested in involvement to our research projects is invited to take part. Please send a Mail to: j.poettgen@uked.de

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  • Logo cMSc
  • Logo World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
  • Logo MS Data Alliance
  • Logo International Journal of MS Care
  • Logo MS International Federation
  • Logo European MS Platform
  • Logo CONy
  • Logo MS Journal
  • Logo European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS

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