SIG Mobility - Publications

Joint publication of the SIG Mobility Group

  1. "Gait outcome measures and time of assessment in persons with MS: research questions of multi-center studies performed within the RIMS network, special interest group Mobility", Czeck/Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery Journal (2010)
    P. Feys, D. Gijbels, A. Romberg, U. Dalgas, B. Gebara, V. de Groot, C. Santoya, K. Rasova, B. Maertens de Noordhout, H. Maamâgi, F. Bethoux, K. Knuts, G. Alders, P. Van Asch, C. Vaney.
  2. "Emerging evidence-based pysical rehabilitation for Multiple Sclerosis – Towards an inventory of current content across Europe.", Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 8:76 (6p)
    Rasova K, Feys P, Henze T, van Tongeren H, Cattaneo D, Jonsdottir J, Herbenova A.
    Weblink: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2915974/?tool=pubmed
  3. “Content of rehabilitation for management of spasticity”, MS in Focus (2008) - Issue 12
    FEYS P & VAN ASCH P, and the Special Interest Group “Mobility”
    This article was discussed at the 11th Meeting at Koge (Denmark) in April 2008


International Publications of the SIG Mobility Members (since 2003)

  1. "Relevance of physical functioning capacity and self-report measures to predict walking performance in persons with multiple sclerosis." Multiple Sclerosis 2010 16(5):618-26.
    Gijbels D, Alders G, Charlier C, Broekmans T, Van Hoof E, Roelants M, Thijs, H., Op ’t Eijnde B, Feys P
  2. "Effects of a 6-month exercise program on patients with multiple sclerosis: a randomized study." Neurology 2004;63(11):2034-8.
    Romberg A, Virtanen A, Ruutiainen J, et al
  3. "Fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients during inpatient rehabilitation." Disabil Rehabil 2007:1-6.
    Romberg A, Ruutiainen J, Puukka P, Poikkeus L.
  4. "Exercise capacity, disability and leisure physical activity of subjects with multiple sclerosis." Mult Scler 2004;10(2):212-8.
    Romberg A, Virtanen A, Aunola S, Karppi SL, Karanko H, Ruutiainen J.
  5. "Long-term exercise improves functional impairment but not quality of life in multiple sclerosis." J Neurol 2005;252(7):839-45.
    Romberg A, Virtanen A, Ruutiainen J.
  6. "Is it possible to actively and purposely make use of plasticity and adaptability in the neurorehabilitation treatment of multiple sclerosis patients? A pilot project." Clin Rehabil 2005;19(2):170-81.
    Rasova K, Krasensky J, Havrdova E, et al.
  7. "Spiroergometric and spirometric parameters in patients with multiple sclerosis: are there any links between these parameters and fatigue, depression, neurological impairment, disability, handicap and quality of life in multiple sclerosis?" Mult Scler 2005;11(2):213-21.
    Rasova K, Brandejsky P, Havrdova E, Zalisova M, Rexova P.
  8. "Comparison of the influence of different rehabilitation programmes on clinical, spirometric and spiroergometric parameters in patients with multiple sclerosis." Mult Scler 2006;12(2):227-34.
    Rasova K, Havrdova E, Brandejsky P, Zalisova M, Foubikova B, Martinkova P.
  9. "The usefulness of evaluative outcome measures in patients with multiple sclerosis." Brain 2006;129(Pt 10):2648-59.
    de Groot V, Beckerman H, Uitdehaag BM, et al.
  10. "The initial course of daily functioning in multiple sclerosis: a three-year follow-up study." Mult Scler 2005;11(6):713-8.
    de Groot V, Beckerman H, Lankhorst GJ, Polman CH, Bouter LM.
  11. "The effect of changed visual feedback on intention tremor in multiple sclerosis." Neurosci Lett 2006;394(1):17-21.
    Feys P, Helsen W, Buekers M, et al.
  12. "Effects of vision and arm position on amplitude of arm postural tremor in multiple sclerosis." Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;85(6):1031-3.
    Feys P, Helsen W, Liu X, Lavrysen A, Nuttin B, Ketelaer P.
  13. "Interactions between abnormal eye and hand movements in MS patients with intention tremor." Mov Disord 2005;20(6):705-713.
    Feys P, Helsen W, Liu X, et al.
  14. "Effects of peripheral cooling on intention tremor in multiple sclerosis." Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2005;76(3):373-9.
    Feys P, Helsen W, Liu X, et al.
  15. "Unsteady gaze fixation enhances the severity of MS intention tremor." Neurology 2008;70(2):106-13.
    Feys P, Helsen W, Nuttin B, et al.
  16. "Digitised spirography as an evaluation tool for intention tremor in multiple sclerosis." J Neurosci Methods 2007; 160(2):309-16.
    Feys P, Helsen W, Prinsmel A, Ilsbroukx S, Wang S, Liu X.
  17. "Intention tremor during manual aiming: a study of eye and hand movements." Mult Scler 2003;9(1):44-54.
    Feys P, Helsen WF, Lavrysen A, Nuttin B, Ketelaer P.
  18. "Escalating immunotherapy of multiple sclerosis--new aspects and practical application." J Neurol 2004;251(11):1329-39.
    Rieckmann P, Toyka KV, Bassetti C, et al.
  19. "SaGAS, the Short and Graphic Ability Score: an alternative scoring method for the motor components of the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite." Mult Scler 2004;10(2):231-42.
    Vaney C, Vaney S, Wade DT.
  20. "Efficacy, safety and tolerability of an orally administered cannabis extract in the treatment of spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study." Mult Scler 2004;10(4):417-24.
    Vaney C, Heinzel-Gutenbrunner M, Jobin P, et al.
  21. "Physical exercise in multiple sclerosis: supportive care or a putative disease-modifying treatment." Expert Rev Neurother 2006;6(3):347-55.
    Heesen C, Romberg A, Gold S, Schulz KH.
  22. "Assessment of muscle strength and motor fatigue with a knee dynamometer in subjects with multiple sclerosis: a new fatigue index." Clin Rehabil 2004;18(6):652-9.
    Surakka J, Romberg A, Ruutiainen J, Virtanen A, Aunola S, Maentaka K.
  23. "Effects of aerobic and strength exercise on motor fatigue in men and women with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial." Clin Rehabil 2004;18(7):737-46.
    Surakka J, Romberg A, Ruutiainen J, et al.
  24. "Interference of upper limb tremor on daily life activities in people with multiple sclerosis." Occupational Therapy in Health Care 2004;17(3/4):81-95.
    Feys P, Romberg A, Ruutiainen J, Ketelaer P.
  25. "Intention tremor rated according to different finger-to-nose test protocols: a survey." Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003;84(1):79-82.
    Feys P, Davies-Smith A, Jones R, et al.
  26. "Paced visual serial addition test in multiple sclerosis." Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2005;107(3):218-22.
    Nagels G, Geentjens L, Kos D, et al.
  27. "Reliability and validity of trunk assessment for people with multiple sclerosis." Phys Ther 2006;86(1):66-76.
    Verheyden G, Nuyens G, Nieuwboer A, Van Asch P, Ketelaer P, De Weerdt W.
  28. "Multiple sclerosis in twins from continental Italy and Sardinia: a nationwide study." Ann Neurol 2006;59(1):27-34.
    Ristori G, Cannoni S, Stazi MA, et al.
  29. "The DYMUS questionnaire for the assessment of dysphagia in multiple sclerosis." J Neurol Sci 2008.
    Bergamaschi R, Crivelli P, Rezzani C, et al.
  30. "Abnormal sensorimotor control, but intact force field adaptation, in multiple sclerosis subjects with no clinical disability." Mult Scler 2008;14(3):330-42.
    Casadio M, Sanguineti V, Morasso P, Solaro C.
  31. "Pharmacological treatment of pain in multiple sclerosis." Expert Rev Neurother 2007;7(9):1165-74.
    Solaro C, Tanganelli P, Messmer Uccelli M.
  32. "Oxcarbazepine for treating paroxysmal painful symptoms in multiple sclerosis: a pilot study." Neurol Sci 2007;28(3):156-8.
    Solaro C, Restivo D, Mancardi GL, Tanganelli P.
  33. "Subtle upper limb impairment in asymptomatic multiple sclerosis subjects." Mult Scler 2007;13(3):428-32.
    Solaro C, Brichetto G, Casadio M, et al.
  34. "Caregiver quality of life in multiple sclerosis: a multicentre Italian study." Mult Scler 2007;13(3):412-9.
    Patti F, Amato MP, Battaglia MA, et al.
  35. "Prevalence of oedema of the lower limbs in multiple sclerosis patients: a vascular and lymphoscintigraphic study." Mult Scler 2006;12(5):659-61.
    Solaro C, Messmer Uccelli M, Brichetto G, et al.
  36. "Incidence of seizures in patients with multiple sclerosis treated with intrathecal baclofen." Neurology 2006;66(5):784-5; author reply 784-5.
    Solaro C.
  37. "Antiepileptic medications in multiple sclerosis: adverse effects in a three-year follow-up study." Neurol Sci 2005;25(6):307-10.
    Solaro C, Brichetto G, Battaglia MA, Messmer Uccelli M, Mancardi GL.
  38. "The prevalence of multiple sclerosis in the north-west Italian province of Genoa." J Neurol 2005;252(4):436-40.
    Solaro C, Allemani C, Messmer Uccelli M, et al.
  39. "The prevalence of pain in multiple sclerosis: a multicenter cross-sectional study." Neurology 2004;63(5):919-21.
    Solaro C, Brichetto G, Amato MP, et al.
  40. "The diagnostic value of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in multiple sclerosis." J Neurol 2004;251(5):617-21.
    Bandini F, Beronio A, Ghiglione E, Solaro C, Parodi RC, Mazzella L.
  41. "Tiagabine for treating painful tonic spasms in multiple sclerosis: a pilot study." Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004;75(2):341.
    Solaro C, Tanganelli P. J Neurol

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