Virtual Joined SIG Mobility & Patient Autonomy Meeting (October 1st)
2023 -- SIG Patient Autonomy in-between meeting (October 10th)
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docx REPORT SIG PA meeting_final | 157.00 KB | Download Preview |
2021 -- Virtual Joined SIG Mobility & Patient Autonomy Meeting (October 1st)
2020 -- SIG in between meeting (October 16th) + SIG meeting during the RIMS Digital Conference (December 5th)
Title | Size | Download |
pdf Programme Virtual SIG Mobility 2020 | 504.83 KB |
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doc Abstract Template - Vritual SIG Mobility meeting 2020 | 247.81 KB | Download Preview |
png virtual SIG Mobility meeting 2020 | 1.36 MB | Download |
docx Report - SIG Mobility Meetings (October & December) - 2020 | 2.05 MB | Download Preview |
2019 -- SIG Mobility In-between meeting Tel-Aviv, Israel (October 28th-29th)
The SIG Mobility group gathered on the 28th and 29th October 2019 at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University and the MS Center at Sheba Medical Center in Hashomer, Israel. This was the 22nd in-between SIG mobility meeting, entitled: ‘Brain, cognition and movement in MS: challenges for rehabilitation’. This meeting was attended by 67 delegates from 14 different countries (28 from Israel).
Please find below the final programme and brief report of the meeting.
Carme Santoyo, CHAIR
Lousin Moumdjian, CO-CHAIR
Title | Size | Download |
doc Abstract call | 350.72 KB | Download Preview |
doc Abstract Template | 318.98 KB | Download Preview |
pdf Final Programme - SIG Mobility - Tel Aviv 2019 | 767.62 KB |
Open |
pdf Brief Report SIG Mobility Annual ”In-between” Meeting - Tel-Aviv 2019 | 558.73 KB |
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2018 -- SIG Mobility In-Between Meeting - Glasgow, Scotland (October 28th-29th)
"Rehabilitation in MS: Innovation in Research and Practice"
Please find a summary of the meeting below.
SIG Mobility Chairs: carme Santoyo
Title | Size | Download |
pdf Report SIG Mobility 2018 Glasgow | 374.46 KB |
Open |
docx Glasgow SIG Preliminary Programme Update | 147.53 KB | Download Preview |
docx RIMS Glasgow Invitation | 146.16 KB | Download Preview |
2017 -- SIG Mobility Meeting - Hasselt & Overpelt, Belgium (November 16th-18th
"Technology Supported Assessment and Rehabilitation in MS"
Title | Size | Download |
pdf PDF - Abstract template - SIG Mobility - Overpelt | 383.00 KB |
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docx DOCX - Abstract template - SIG Mobility - Overpelt | 88.94 KB | Download Preview |
pdf FLYER - SIG Mobility - Overpelt 2017 | 648.56 KB |
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pdf SIG Mobility Belgium - Final Program | 1.07 MB |
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pdf Presentation - SIG Psychology In-between meeting - 2020 | 400.78 KB |
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docx Report - SIG Psycholoy In-between Meeting - 2020 | 296.87 KB | Download Preview |
2014 -- SIG Mobility Meeting - September 26th-27 (Bergen, Norway)
"Challenges in physical rehabilitation in MS – integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches"
Local organizer: Tori Smedal | contact
Registration is now open.
Registration deadline: June 18th 2014.
Please find the preliminary programme below and registration form by clicking the "REGISTER" button above.
For general questions, please contact: and
For practical arrangements, please contact: the local organizer.
See the RIMS website
SIG Mobility Chairs: Anders Romberg and Paul Van Asch
Title | Size | Hits | Download |
pdf Preliminary program - SIG Mobility - Bergen 2014 | 494.36 KB | 1129 |
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pdf Flyer - SIG Mobility - 2014 Bergen | 1.00 MB | 1152 |
Open |
docx Abstract Submission Form - SIG Mobility - 2014 Bergen | 2.19 MB | 1094 | Download Preview |
2012 -- SIG Mobility & Occupation Meeting - November 9th-10th (Milan, Italy
Dear SIG Mobility member,
Dear Colleague with an interest in mobility in MS,
Dear SIG Mobility member,
Dear Colleague with an interest in mobility in MS,
The final programme of the next SIG Mobility in-between meeting is available, and can be found below together with the registration and abstract form. The invitation for the meeting is also added.
The theme of the 2-day meeting will be “The use of clinical approaches including advanced technology systems for maximizing the effect of rehabilitation on mobility and function”. Broadly, the meeting comprises three sessions:
- a joint-session together with SIG Occupation focusing on upper limb function
- a one which will cover instrumented approaches in the evaluation and rehabilitation of gait and balance
- free presentations providing clinicians and researchers an opportunity to share their latest findings and ideas concerning mobility and physical functioning in MS
The meeting will take place at 9-10th November 2012. It will be organized by the Don Gnocchi Foundation in Milan, Italy with Johanna Jonsdottir and Davide Cattaneo serving as hosts.
Members of RIMS can freely attend the meeting. Accomodation for at least one night will be free, and one lunch as well as dinner will be offered by the local organisers.
So why wouldn’t you travel to Italy in November, and join us in this innovative, thought-provoking, and interactive meeting?!
With kind regards
Anders Romberg & Paul Van Asch, Chairmen of the SIG on Mobility group
Johanna Jonsdottir & Davide Cattaneo, local organisers
Title | Size | Hits | Download |
docx Final Programme - SIG Mobility - Milan 2012 | 108.92 KB | 1162 | Download Preview |
doc Registration & Abstract Form - SIG Mobility - Milan 2012 | 39.94 KB | 772 | Download Preview |
doc Invitation - SIG Mobility - Milan 2012 | 209.41 KB | 791 | Download Preview |
2011 -- SIG Mobility in-between meeting 2011, Barcelona (September 30th-October 1st)
Dear SIG Mobility member,
Dear Collegue with an interest in Mobility in MS,
The final programme of the next SIG Mobility meeting 2011 is now available as well as an overview of the meeting concept, content and organization.
The main topic is ‘Treatment of balance and gait in MS’, we are pleased that already some experienced clinicians and researchers have engaged themselves to present their work and opinions. Naturally, as always, you can also propose yourself to present relevant work within or outside the main topic.
The meeting is organized by the ‘Hospital de dia’ in Barcelona, Spain with Carmen Santoyo as local organizer, and will take place at 30/9 and 1/10.
Members of RIMS can freely attend the meeting, and will normally be offered 1 night accommodation and lunches, according to the sponsoring budget. Active presenters may receive another night of free accommodation. We welcome you to inform Carmen Santoyo if you are interested to join the meeting: Naturally, you may forward this mail to all potential interested persons. Looking forward to meet you at the workshop, or earlier at the annual RIMS conference, Regards Peter Feys and Paul Van Asch, chairs of the special interest group on mobility Carmen Santoyo, local organiser The report of the workshop is added below too!
Title | Size | Hits | Download |
doc Report - SIG Mobility - Barcelona 2011 | 36.35 KB | 792 | Download Preview |
pdf Final Programme - SIG Mobility - Barcelona 2011 | 366.48 KB | 1127 |
Open |
pdf Overview - SIG Mobility - Barcelona 2011 | 907.54 KB | 1155 |
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SIG Mobility in-between meeting 2011, Barcelona (30/09 - 01/10)
Dear SIG Mobility member,
Dear Collegue with an interest in Mobility in MS,
The final program of the next SIG Mobility meeting 2011 is now available, and can be found in attachment as well as the registration and abstract form. An overview of the meeting concept, content and organization can be found here.
The main topic is ‘Treatment of balance and gait in MS’, we are pleased that already some experienced clinicians and researchers have engaged themselves to present their work and opinions. Naturally, as always, you can also propose yourself to present relevant work within or outside the main topic.
The meeting is organized by the ‘Hospital de dia’ in Barcelona, Spain with Carmen Santoyo as local organizer, and will take place at 30/9 and 1/10.
Members of RIMS can freely attend the meeting, and will normally be offered 1 night accommodation and lunches, according to the sponsoring budget. Active presenters may receive another night of free accommodation.
We welcome you to inform Carmen Santoyo if you are interested to join the meeting:
Naturally, you may forward this mail to all potential interested persons.
Looking forward to meet you at the workshop, or earlier at the annual RIMS conference,
Peter Feys and Paul Van Asch, chairs of the special interest group on mobility
Carmen Santoyo, local organiser
The report of the workshop can be found here!