SIG Communication & Swallowing - About us

We are a small group of speech and language therapists coming from different countries in Europe, who are working with persons with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The aim of our group is to exchange experiences on assessment and treatment. Moreover we would like to foster research in MS by developing together projects (for example: Translation and Validation of the DYMUS questionnaire). It's always exciting to network and exchange knowledge. During the year we keep in touch by e-mail and Skype meetings using our best English. Once a year we organize a 2 days meeting which is supported by RIMS and takes place each year in a different location.

Background for the establishment of the Committee

A questionnaire sent to European hospitals and rehabilitation centres for PwMS (reported during the MARCH Congress in Paris - 1996) was a good opportunity to develop links between Speech Therapists and create an international group on Communication & Swallowing Disorders in MS. The lectures are published in "Communication and Swallowing Disorders" edited by M. Charlier and P. Ketelaer, 1996. The group on Communication and Swallowing Disorders was born within the MARCH program in 1996 and contributed to the publication of "A problem-Oriented Approach to Multiple Sclerosis", Ketelaer P, Prosiegel M, Battaglia M & Messmer Uccelli M (Edts) Acco, Leuven/Amersfoort, 1997. Because of an important need for specific assessment and rehabilitation techniques, all members of the group decided to extend the activities after the MARCH program.


Because of the very small representation of Speech Therapists specialised in MS, the primary goals of our CCC are recruiting colleagues in Europe improvement and sharing of knowledge and experience about the treatment of respiratory diseases, voice and speech disorders, neurolinguistic and cognitive problems, swallowing disorders, development of a common and specific evaluation of the communication and swallowing disorders, information and implication of other disciplines in the different rehabilitation processes of communication and swallowing disorders.

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  • Logo MS Data Alliance
  • Logo International Journal of MS Care
  • Logo MS International Federation
  • Logo World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
  • Logo MS Journal
  • Logo European MS Platform
  • Logo CONy
  • Logo cMSc
  • Logo European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS

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