SIG Patient Autonomy in-between Meeting - Tuesday, October 10th - Register now and join us!

The in-between meeting of the SIG Patient Autonomy will take place on TuesdayOctober 10th from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM CEST, virtually.

The meeting's central theme is "Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in Research." The session will feature contributions from diverse stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers, and individuals with MS, each providing brief reports from their unique perspectives and experiences on the topic. These presentations will be followed by a roundtable discussion involving all attendees and stakeholders.

Discover the program and secure your spot now! 

➡ Unveil the final program HERE
➡ Register HERE

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  • Logo International Journal of MS Care
  • Logo cMSc
  • Logo European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS
  • Logo World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
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  • Logo MS International Federation

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