ADAMS-PA Project Progress 2018

Survey data from 1027 people with MS, which had been collected via the website of the German MS society and mailing lists in 2017, has been descriptively analyzed in 2018. Based on a staging algorithm, 52.8 % of survey participants have been classified as long-term regularly active, 12.51% as currently regularly active and 34.69 % as not regularly active. Descriptive analysis showed differences between groups concerning possible determinants of long-term adherence to physical activity. Long-term active patients perceived less environmental barriers and more social support, were less disabled, had a more intrinsic type of motivation, showed better behavioral self-regulation and had higher self-efficacy scores. Results of the descriptive analysis have been presented at the RIMS annual meeting in Amsterdam, June 2018.

Based on the COM-B model by Michie et al. and the Theoretical Domains Framework by Cane et al., a comprehensive path model has been developed for statistical analysis. Path model analysis is ongoing. Results will be presented at the RIMS annual meeting in 2019. In July 2018, a paper that describes the results of the ADAMS-PA qualitative study (expert interviews) has been submitted to Disability & Rehabilitation. It has been accepted and will be published in 2019 (https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2019.1584253)

Moreover, we successfully initiated collaboration with other euRIMS member countries for survey replication. In 2018 the ADAMS-PA survey was started in Ireland (Collaborator: Susan Coote). We expect national surveys to be carried out in Czechia (Collaborator: Klára Novotná) and the US (Collaborator: Robert W. Motl) in 2019.

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