Fellowship programme

Since 2008, RIMS is pleased to offer a Fellowship Exchange Programme (RIMS Fellowship).

The fellowship is available to young European professionals, preferably non-doctors, in order to facilitate their training in rehabilitation related to Multiple Sclerosis among RIMS Member Centres. RIMS will support up to four fellowships annually, each with duration of one week, with a refunding of € 1000.

More information:

The goal of the programme is to promote the multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation in MS and to encourage the exchange of information and professional growth for those working in the field of MS. 

Fellows are expected to identify themselves as representing a RIMS member centre (or as individual RIMS membership) prior to application. Please check the criteria in the PDF file provided below.

In order to attain the fellowship, the fellow needs to fill in the Application form. In addition, the centre the fellow intends to visit should show that they are able to organise the visit for up to one week (Receiving centre form). After this, also the Refunding form must be fulfilled and sent to the RIMS secretariat in order to achieve the fellowship refunding.

| Fellowship Programme applications are open until December 1st! 

The RIMS Executive Board expects a short Evaluation report within three weeks after the visit.

All documents can be found below!

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  • Logo International Journal of MS Care
  • Logo cMSc
  • Logo CONy
  • Logo MS International Federation
  • Logo World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
  • Logo European MS Platform
  • Logo MS Data Alliance
  • Logo European Committee for Treatment and Research in MS

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